Updates to the family from Peter and Ali in Cali....

Friday, November 16, 2012

Nov. 16, 2012 - Fall

Morning coffee at the kayak beach.

These ladies go out and do yoga on their paddle boards.

A little Sausalito park.

Sushi (on the right) with no idea she has a buddy.

World series game day.

American flag getting prepped.

Our new favorite waterfront breakfast spot:  The Boathouse in Tiburon.

My first ride on the ferry that Peter takes every day, looking back at Sausalito.

Someone's Halloween prank.

Cool wreath.

Shops in Tiburon.

Lots of expensive patterns.

A trip to Carmel by the Sea....

The beach at Carmel by the Sea.

Driving down Route 1 to Big Sur.

A glimpse of Big Sur as we realize we need hiking boots and a tent.

Route 1 cliff side.

First attempt at Julia Child's Chicken Coq Au Vin!

Sushi eating the roses.